The Bible according to OpenAI

This site contains a growing catalogue of interpretations of bible passages that have been generated using one of OpenAI’s language models. As these are computer-generated, please do not take them at face value as fact; they should be used more as the starting point for discussion or reflection.
These started to be populated on 29 March 2023.
Psalm 36.5-10
Read more: Psalm 36.5-10In the depths of His love, we find grace,
Like a river that flows in its place.
His kindness, so wide,
A shelter, our guide,
In the light of His truth, we embrace.
With wisdom and joy, He imparts,
A fountain that fills all our hearts.
In His shadow, we dwell,
Where all is made well,
And His mercy in abundance starts. -
Isaiah 62.1-5
Read more: Isaiah 62.1-5In a city where hope takes its stand,
A promise of joy is at hand.
With hearts that are bright,
We’ll shine through the night,
For love’s banner waves o’er the land. -
Luke 3.15-17,21-22
Read more: Luke 3.15-17,21-22In the wild, where the people would flock,
A prophet spoke truths that would rock.
With waters he’d cleanse,
And hearts he’d amend,
As skies opened wide with a shock.
The Spirit descended like dove,
A voice from above spoke of love.
“Beloved,” it said,
“To you I am wed,”
In grace, we’re all called from above. -
Acts 8.14-17
Read more: Acts 8.14-17In a land where the faithful did dwell,
A message of hope they would tell.
With hands raised in prayer,
The Spirit laid bare,
And hearts filled with joy cast a spell. -
Isaiah 43.1-7
Read more: Isaiah 43.1-7In waters that rise, do not fear,
For love’s voice whispers sweet in your ear.
Through fire and through flood,
You’ll find strength like a bud,
For you’re precious and cherished, my dear. -
John 1.(1-9)10-18
Read more: John 1.(1-9)10-18In the beginning, light did appear,
With a Word that all hearts held dear.
Life sparkled and shone,
In darkness, it’s known,
A beacon of hope drawing near.
The world turned its back on the glow,
Yet the truth would still flourish and grow.
In flesh, it was found,
Grace and love all around,
A gift to the hearts that bestow. -
Psalm 147.13-end
Read more: Psalm 147.13-endIn the city where hearts find their peace,
God strengthens the walls, fears release.
He gathers the meek,
With love they will seek,
And joy in His mercy won’t cease.
He counts every star in the night,
With wisdom and power so bright.
The humble He lifts,
His grace is a gift,
In His care, all our burdens take flight. -
Jeremiah 31.7-14
Read more: Jeremiah 31.7-14In a land where the weary did weep,
A promise of joy they would reap.
With songs in the air,
Restoration was there,
And blessings like rivers ran deep. -
Luke 2.41-end
Read more: Luke 2.41-endIn a town where the young boy did roam,
He puzzled the wise far from home.
In the temple he’d stay,
With questions at play,
While his parents searched high, filled with foam.
When they found him, their hearts filled with cheer,
He spoke of the things they should hear.
“Don’t you know I must be,
In my Father’s decree?”
With wisdom that left them in fear. -
1 Samuel 18.20-26
Read more: 1 Samuel 18.20-26In a kingdom where friendships can sway,
A brave heart sought love in the fray.
With gifts to bestow,
He’d win hearts, you know,
Yet the price for his passion would weigh.